
Tilapia Starter pellet (1 mm)

Starter feed

This smallest size extruded floating micro-pellet contains all nutrients at optimal levels for healthy development and fast growth. This floating pellet enables faster transfer of your fingerling into a cage or grow out pond

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  • Min. Crude Protein content: 42 %
  • Floating feed, > 90% floatability.
  • For fish of 5 - 10 gr

Want to improve your farm results?

Advantages of the full product range

  • Designed to deliver the fastest, optimal growth. Supports high growth uniformity, fish health and energy efficiency during feeding. With a matching pellet/ powder size for each fish size.
  • The high floatability of the smaller size pellets enable fast stocking of fingerling in nursery and grower units.
  • The product range offers a full assortment, enabling each farm to select the product combinations that are best fitting the farming set-up.
  • Easy transition the next sizes feeds due to high and consistent palatability and texture.

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