Biosecurity is a set of measures taken to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases and pests on a farm. It is an essential part of animal management and plays a crucial role in protecting animal health. Farming can be unpredictable, but being prepared for challenges can make a big difference. By identifying potential risks, such as drought or disease outbreaks, you can take steps to mitigate their impact.
Biosecurity on your farm
1 Limit visitor access
Allow access only to individuals who require entry to the farm -
3 Disinfect equipment before use
Clean and sanitize all equipment thoroughly before using -
5 Avoid wild animal contact
This reduces the risk of disease transmission

2 Wear clean shoes
Always wear clean shoes or use shoe covers before entering -
4 Keep new or sick animals isolated
This helps prevent your animals from getting sick -
6 Waste management
This helps maintain a clean and safe environment
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Biosecurity refers to practices that prevent the spread of diseases and pests on farms, protecting animal health. It includes measures like cleaning facilities, isolating new animals, and controlling visitors. For farmers in Kenya, applying biosecurity helps maintain healthy livestock and improves productivity.
- Clean and disinfect equipment regularly.
- Isolate new animals before adding them to the herd.
- Limit visitor access to the farm.
- Control wildlife and pests.
- Ensure proper waste management.
These steps help farmers in Kenya prevent disease outbreaks and maintain healthy livestock.
Biosecurity is crucial for farmers in Kenya as it helps prevent the spread of diseases that can harm livestock and reduce productivity. By following biosecurity practices, farmers can protect their animals from infections, ensuring healthier herds, better yields, and increased profitability. Implementing biosecurity measures also helps safeguard the local environment and improve food security.
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