The importance of record keeping in dairy farming

17 February 2025
2 minutes

Record keeping is very important in dairy farming. It helps improve how you manage your cows, increase milk production, and keep your cows healthy.

Here are the main reasons why record keeping is important:

1. Monitoring milk production

Writing down how much milk each cow gives every day helps farmers see how well their cows are doing. If a cow gives less milk than usual, the farmer can find out why and take action, like talking to the farm advisor. This helps find diseases quickly and treat the cow right away. By understanding how much milk each cow gives over time, farmers can also choose the best cows for breeding to make sure they have more cows that give lots of milk. 

2. Managing health and fertility

Keeping records of cow health and fertility is important to make sure they stay healthy and give lots of milk. Farmers can track vaccinations and treatments, which helps stop the spread of diseases. Also, by tracking fertility, farmers can plan when to breed cows, making the herd more productive. 

3. Optimizing feed efficiency and nutrition

Feed costs a lot of money in dairy farming. By keeping track of how much feed each cow eats and how much milk they give, farmers and their feed advisors can adjust the feed to make sure the cows get the right nutrition. This saves money by reducing wasted feed and helps cows stay healthy while giving more milk. 

For more information on effective record keeping in dairy farming, contact our specialists today!

They can provide you with the guidance and resources you need to optimize your farm's performance.