Pre-placement planning
Check placement
Make sure the proper temperature stays between 32°C – 35°C to optimize chick comfort and health. -
Cleaning and disinfection
After cleaning, wait 14 days before disinfecting and placing new chicks. This helps to prevent cross-contamination and ensures a clean environment. -
Give a high-quality starter diet containing 23-24% protein to ensure optimal growth and development of the chicks. -
Provide enough clean, fresh water with added electrolytes or vitamins to keep the chicks hydrated and healthy. -
Health and weight checks
Monitor chicks regularly for signs of stress or illness, and ensure proper hydration by checking water intake and chick appearance. -
Follow the vaccination schedule carfully to protect against common poultry diseases.
Broiler Day 0 – 11 (Starter stage)
Temperature adjustments
Slowly reduce the breeding temperature by 2-3°C each week to adjust chicks to environmental changes and promote healthy development. -
Continue feeding the starter feed with enough protein intake to ensure strong and healthy growth. -
Provide access to clean, fresh water at all times to prevent dehydration. -
Weight Check
Check the chicks' weight regularly and compare it to industry standards to make sure they are growing properly. -
Litter management
Regularly turn and manage the litter to prevent ammonia buildup, which can affect the chicks' respiratory health. -
Health monitoring
Keep a close eye out for respiratory issues or any signs of illness that could affect the chicks’ growth and development.
Broiler Day 12 – 25 (Grower stage)
Weight check
Continue to monitor the weight of the birds and ensure they are growing at the expected rate. -
Feeding transition
Transition from starter feed to grower feed, ensuring a balanced diet that meets the birds' evolving nutritional needs. -
Space management
Ensure each bird has enough space to avoid overcrowding and help them grow well. -
Health Checks
Continue to monitor the health of the birds closely, observing for any signs of illness or discomfort. -
Litter Management
Maintain litter quality by managing it regularly to prevent issues such as ammonia buildup or wet conditions. -
Administer Newcastle disease vaccination at day 12 to protect against common poultry diseases.
Broiler Day 26 – 42 (Finisher stage)
Continue feeding with the appropriate grower or finisher feed to support final weight gain and health. -
Weight check
Regularly monitor weight to ensure that the birds are on track for market weight by the end of this phase. -
Health checks
Maintain vigilant health checks to identify and address any signs of disease or discomfort. -
Final space adjustment
Adjust space as needed to avoid overcrowding and ensure the birds have adequate room to move and grow. -
Feed management
Optimize feed consumption by ensuring proper feeding techniques and adjusting the feed program to meet the birds' nutritional needs. -
Processing preparation
Begin planning for the harvest and processing of the birds. Organize logistics, including timing for processing to ensure the birds are harvested at the ideal weight.